Cédric Lefebvre

Vincent Dutrait

2 to 4 players

à partir de 14 ans.

90 minutes.

Sortie en Février 2019.

Français, Anglais, Allemand, Espagnol, Italien, Néerlandais


Space Gate Odyssey



Availability: 9 en stock

A boardgame in a not-so-far away galaxy…

- Resources and others -

Network construction and flow management

box3D_right copie

After decades of research and technological development, humanity is about to leave Earth. A system of six viable Exoplanets has been identified. To get there only one means of transport is possible: the space gates. Pour des raisons liées à la physique et autres aspects quantiques, ces portails ne peuvent être construits que dans l’espace.

Les Confédérations se sont donc lancées dans la construction de leur propre base in orbit, équipée de portails spatiaux. Vous allez incarner le leader de l’une de ces Confédérations et jouer de votre influence dans la station de commande Odyssey afin d’envoyer un maximum de vos colons sur ces Exoplanètes.

La Confédération most influential Confederation will take control of this new system and will hold the future of Humanity in its hands.


Scene_compoGoal of the game


Optimize the construction of your space base: the choice of modules, their layout, the distance between the airlock and the portal are essential elements.

Maximize the sending of settlers to the most favorable sites of the Exoplanets and thus gain a maximum of Influence points.

Be careful à ne pas laisser trop de couloirs ouverts sur le vide spatial : cela représente un vrai danger pour vos Colons et risquerait donc de nuire à votre réputation.

Le joueur le plus influential player at the end of the game is promoted to the rank of Governor of the exoplanets system and is declared the winner.




Game elements


Your playground in Space Gate Odyssey consists of :

  • the Odyssey Command station where your engineers send their orders to your space station

  • the worksite which offers modules of different types and domains

  • your space station built turn after turn and from where you send your settlers

  • the recently discovered exoplanets system consisting of the central exoplanet Hawking and 5 other stars

  • Of course, you need manpower to animate all this. You have combinations of chief engineer, engineers, settlers and robots.




At his turn the active player moves one of his engineers to a control room. All players then realize the action corresponding to the activated room up to the number of action points given by their figures in that room :

  • Engineer = 1 action point
  • Chief Engineer = 2 action points
  • Robot = 1 action point



There are 3 types of control rooms / actions :

  • Water, Wildlife and Energy Control Rooms:  you can move move 1 Settler from any Module of your station to an adjacent one that matches the domain of the activated control room.
  • New Modules Room: you can choose a module in the worksite to add to your space station.
  • Airlock Room: you can fill 1 On Airlock Module to its maximum capacity with Settlers from your supply..



Spatial modular construction imposes a number of rules that players must respect. Any added module must have at least one corridor connected to the existing base. It is not necessary to connect all corridors. But beware, a corridor open in space will make you lose points of influence at the end of the game. On the other hand if there are no open corridors available in your station, you cannot add new Modules to it.




If some players have space gate modules completely filled in their base at the end of their actions performed following the activation of Water, Wildlife or Energy control room, a colonization is triggered. In turn order, each concerned player sends his settlers to the exoplanets spots whose portal symbol corresponds to the one of the filled module (s).

The spots can be occupied by only one settlers and are of 3 types: basic spot, advanced spot and predominance spot. Each Exoplanet has different conditions of placement, gain of influence and end of colonization.








Once a planet is fully colonized, the Confederations who sent settlers on it gain influence points based on the exoplanet and advance their marker on the Hawking Influence Wheel.


When his Influence token has gone around a complete revolution on the wheel, the player has to take 1 Settler from his supply and place it on the lowest Government Rank which he does not have a settler on yet. If it is the third or the sixth Rank, he has to take 1 Engineer/Chief Engineer, instead of 1 Settler, from the control room of his choice in the Odyssey station. Earning Influence on Hawking reduces your action power in the Odyssey station.

Then the gate of the colonized exoplanet is moved to one of the 2 exoplanets of the second wave or to Hawking if there is no more exoplanet empty of gate. There is no colonization spot on Hawking: sending settlers immediately gives you 1 Influence Point.



End of the game


When the fifth Exoplanet is closed – the 3 gates have been moved to Hawking and the Influence points of the fifth Exoplanet have been scored, the settlers to be deployed on this turn are placed on Hawking and the game ends immediately.

Additional influence points are distributed based on the constructed spatial bases and the order of the Predominance tokens on the Hawking influence wheel :

  • For each domain, the player with the most On modules of this domain in his station scores as many Influence points as the domain token position on the Predominance Track.

  • The player with the most lots of 3 On modules of the different domains earns as many Influence points as as the Balance token position on the Predominance Track.
  • Each player loses 1 Influence point per open corridor (not linked to another Module) in their space station, including both On and Off Modules.

Again, when a player’s Influence token makes a complete revolution, the player places a settler or engineer in the Government. In case of loss of points, if the Influence token passes through the 0 box, the player removes a figure present on the highest rank of the Government.


The player whose figure is in the highest Government Rank wins the game. If several players occupy the same Rank, their Settler’s position on the Influence Wheel breaks the tie. If there is still a tie, the player who has the most On Modules in their station wins.

Space Gate Odyssey

Availability: 9 en stock